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2022 Larimer County Community Health Survey Instrument - English


下载英文调查的PDF格式 here.

你的家庭是随机选择的 to participate in the 2022 Larimer County Community Health Survey, 你的来信对我们很重要. Please have an adult (age 18 or older) fill out this survey - fill out only one survey per household (either on paper or online). Please answer the questions as they apply to you unless the question asks about your household. Answer the question with clear markings, such as an X, check mark, or fill in. Place the completed survey in the enclosed pre-paid envelope and return it by U.S. mail by June 10, 2022.

While we will keep your responses confidential, we ask that you not provide personal identifying information, such as your name, when completing the survey. If you have questions or need assistance, call our survey help line at 970-224-5209 or send an email to

This survey is a project of the 网上博彩澳门银河.

  1. Is there one doctors’ group, health center, or clinic that you usually go to for most of your medical care?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Is there a doctor, nurse, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner that you consider to be your regular healthcare provider?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Is there a particular dentist, dental hygienist, or dental practice that you consider to be your regular dental-care provider?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. When was the last time you had a dental exam and/or teeth cleaning?
    1. In the past year
    2. Between 1 and 2 years ago
    3. Between 2 and 3 years ago
    4. Between 3 and 5 years ago
    5. 5 years or longer
    6. Never
  5. Please rate your access to health care whenever you need it:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
    6. I don’t know
  6.  In the past 12 months, because of the COVID-19 pandemic,你做过以下任何一项吗? (Mark all that apply.)
    1. 当你需要护理的时候,却不去看牙医.
    2. 当你需要照顾的时候却不去看医生.
    3. Avoided contact with older people or others who could be high-risk if they get COVID-19.
  7. Since the start of the pandemic, have you used telehealth (phone or virtual encounter) to receive advice or treatment from a doctor or other health care professional?
    1. Yes
    2. No (go to question 8)
  1. a. Were you satisfied with the most recent telehealth encounter?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  1. b. In the future, how much of your medical care would you like to have by telehealth rather than in person?
    1. As much as possible
    2. Some of it
    3. 没有,我更喜欢亲自照顾
  2.  What type(s) of health insurance do you have currently?  (Mark all that apply.) Do not include insurance plans that cover only ONE type of service like dental, vision, or prescription drug plans.
    1. 我没有任何健康保险. (go to question 10)
    2. Health insurance through current or former employer or union, including a partner’s or parent’s plan (including COBRA or retiree benefit).
    3. Health insurance plan that I, my parents, partner, or spouse purchase directly from an insurance company (privately or through Colorado’s marketplace/exchange).
    4. 医疗补助,也被称为健康第一科罗拉多州.
    5. Medicare (for persons 65 years and older or with certain disabilities).
    6. 退伍军人事务,军事健康,TRICARE或大学.
    7. Student health insurance.
    8. Other (please specify)
  3. 一般来说,你的健康保险是:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
  4. If you do not 目前有健康保险,有什么原因? (Please explain)
  5. Over the past 3 years你总共有几个月了 no health insurance?
    1. None, I’ve always had insurance
    2. 总共一个月没有保险
    3. 总共2-6个月没有保险
    4. 总共7-12个月没有保险
    5. 总共13个月或更长时间没有保险
  6. 你的健康保险有什么变化吗 because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
    1. 我没有因为流感大流行而改变我的覆盖面. (go to question 13)
    2. I did not have insurance before the pandemic, but have since enrolled in health insurance. (go to question 13)
    3. I had health insurance before the pandemic, but I lost it.
  1. a. If you lost health insurance coverage, did you replace it?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Do you currently have any insurance that covers at least part of the cost for the following:
    1. Prescription medicines?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    2. Dental services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    3. Mental health services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    4. Vision services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    5. Hearing services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is your gender? (Mark any that apply.)
    1. Woman
    2. Man
    3. Transgender
    4. (Specify)
  5. Including you, how many people (adults and children) live in your household? (如以下某些类别没有,请输入“0”.)
    1. Number of people 0 to 4 years old
    2. Number of people 5 to 17 years old
    3. 18至29岁的人数
    4. 30至64岁的人数
    5. 65岁及以上的人数
  6. How would you describe yourself? (Mark any that apply.)
    1. White (Caucasian)
    2. Hispanic or Latino/a/x
    3. Black or African American
    4. Native American or Alaskan Native
    5. Asian or Pacific Islander
    6. Other (please specify)
  7. In the past 12 months, have you ever felt that a doctor, dentist, other health care provider, or their staff judged you unfairly or discriminated against you because of any of the following? If you have not seen a health care provider in the past year, go to question 19.
    1. Your race or ethnicity
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Your gender
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Your age
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Your sexual orientation
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. Your weight
      1. Yes
      2. No
    6. A health condition or disability
      1. Yes
      2. No
  8. In general, would you say your health is:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
  9. Have you ever tested positive for or been diagnosed with COVID-19?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
  10. Are you currently experiencing any of the following?
    1. 抑郁、焦虑或其他心理健康问题
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. 牙痛或牙齿或牙龈的其他问题
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Asthma
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. 难以入睡或保持睡眠
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. A disability, handicap, or chronic disease that keeps you from participating fully in work, housework, or other daily activities
      1. Yes
      2. No
  11. 你是怀孕了,还是在怀孕期间生的孩子 last 12 months?
    1. Yes
    2. No or does not apply to me
  12. 请多告诉我们一些你们的 current health:
    1. 在过去的30天里有多少天是你的 physical health (包括身体疾病或受伤) not good?
    2. During the past 30 days, how many days did poor physical health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?
    3. How many days during the past 30 days was your mental health (including stress, depression, or other emotional problems) not good?
    4. During the past 30 days, how many days did poor mental health keep you from doing your usual activities, such as self-care, work, or recreation?
  13. Has a doctor, nurse, physician assistant, or other health professional ever 告诉你你有以下任何一种情况?
    1. 高血压(又称高血压)
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. High cholesterol
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema or chronic bronchitis
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Diabetes (high blood sugar) If you were told you had diabetes only during pregnancy, answer “No.”
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. Arthritis or rheumatism
      1. Yes
      2. No
    6. Depression
      1. Yes
      2. No
    7. An anxiety disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
    8. Eating disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
    9. 其他精神健康问题或精神疾病
      1. Yes
      2. No
    10. Alcohol or substance use disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
  14. In the past 3 months, how much of the time have you felt anxious, stressed, or depressed? Circle one number on the scale.
    1. 1 – None of the time
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4 – About half of the time
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 7 – All of the time
  15. How often is each of the following kind of support available to you if you need it?
    1. 可以倾诉或谈论你的问题的人.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
    2. 如果你需要,有人会带你去看医生.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
    3. Someone to have a good time with.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
  16. In the past 6 months:
    1. How often did you have pain?
      1. Never
      2. Some days
      3. Most days
      4. Every day
    2. 疼痛多久会限制你的生活或工作?
      1. Never
      2. Some days
      3. Most days
      4. Every day
  17. In the past 12 months, have you considered suicide as a solution to your problems? 如果你或你认识的人想自杀, call or live chat the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or
    1. Yes
    2. No
  18. In a typical 24-hour period, how many hours of sleep do you usually get?
  19. Have you had a COVID-19 vaccine?
    1. 没有,我没有接受过任何剂量(见问题31)
    2.  是的,我服用了一剂辉瑞或Moderna (mRNA)
    3. Yes, I had the initial series of Pfizer or Moderna (2 doses or 3 doses for some immunocompromised individuals)
    4. Yes, I had one dose of Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
    5. 我接种了其他COVID疫苗或其他组合
  1. a. 您是否接种过COVID-19疫苗加强剂?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Did you get a seasonal flu shot or nasal mist during the most recent flu season (September 2021 – April 2022)?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
  3. Not counting fruit juice, how many servings of fruit did you eat yesterday?  One serving is ½ cup chopped, cooked, canned, or frozen fruit; 1 small (tennis ball-sized) piece of fruit; or ¼ cup dried fruit. (If none, please enter “0”.)
  4. 你昨天吃了几份蔬菜?  One serving is ½ cup chopped, cooked, canned, or frozen vegetables; 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables; or 4 oz of 100% vegetable juice. (If none, please enter “0”.)
  5. The amount of fruits and vegetables you ate yesterday was:
    1. More than usual
    2. Same as usual
    3. Less than usual

专家建议成年人每天至少摄取 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes) of moderate intensity activity or at least 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) of vigorous intensity activity (或两者兼而有之.

Moderate intensity is any movement that makes you breathe hard but you can still have a conversation easily.

Vigorous intensity is any movement that makes your heart beat much faster and you can say only a few words before needing to take another breath.

  1. Would you say that you meet or exceed these recommendations most weeks?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure

Experts also recommend doing muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days each weekThese activities make your muscles work harder than usual.

接下来的几个问题是关于酒精饮料的. A drink is one bottle or one 12 oz. can of beer, a 5 oz. glass of wine, or a drink with a 1.5 ounce shot of liquor.

This information helps us describe the health and well-being of the entire community; honesty improves our accuracy and understanding.  We will not look at or report your individual information.

Please answer these questions for the youngest child you were finding child care for.

  1. Would you say that you meet or exceed this recommendation most weeks?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
  2. In the past 30 days, have you used any of the following tobacco/nicotine products?
    1. 普通香烟(不包括草药和电子烟)
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.b.)
      4. 我正在认真考虑辞职. (Mark if applicable)
    2. E-cigarette or electronic vaping product that contains nicotine or can be filled with nicotine vape juice/liquid
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.c.)
      4. 我正在认真考虑辞职. (Mark if applicable)
    3. 雪茄、小雪茄或烟斗,包括水烟
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.d.)
      4. 我正在认真考虑辞职. (Mark if applicable)
    4. Chew/spit tobacco or other smokeless products (snus, ZYN, etc.)
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 38)
      4. 我正在认真考虑辞职. (Mark if applicable)
    1. In the past 12 months, have you used cannabis (marijuana)?
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 39)
    1. a. During the past 30 days,你吸了多少天大麻?  如果没有,请输入“0”,然后转到问题39
    1. b. When you used cannabis during the past 30 days, was it usually:  (Mark all that apply.)
      1. To reduce stress/ relax
      2. To get high/for fun
      3. To improve sleep
      4. To socialize
      5. To reduce pain/inflammation
      6. To treat depression/anxiety
      7. Other (please specify)
    1. c. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drive a car or other vehicle within 2 to 3 hours of using cannabis? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    1. 考虑到所有的酒精饮料, 你通常一周喝几杯酒, including the weekend? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    2. In the past 30 days, what is the largest number of alcoholic drinks you had on any single occasion? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    3. In the past 30 days, how many times did you drive after drinking 2 or more alcoholic drinks in the hour before you drove? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    4. Thinking about how many drinks you usually had each week before the start of the pandemic and how much you drink now, would you say you are:
      1. Drinking less
      2. Drinking about the same
      3. Drinking more
      4. NA/I don’t drink alcohol
    5. When thinking about drug use, include illegal drug use and the use of prescription drugs in ways other than prescribed:   Remember that your responses are confidential.
      1. Have you ever felt that you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use?
        1. Yes
        2. No
      2. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use?
        1. Yes
        2. No
      3. Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use?
        1. Yes
        2. No
    6. Mark your level of agreement with the following statements:
      1. Treatment can help people with mental illness lead normal lives.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      2. People are generally caring and sympathetic to people with mental illness.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      3. Treatment can help people with addictions lead normal lives.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      4. People are generally caring and sympathetic to people with addictions.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree not disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
    1. 你的体重是多少磅(不穿鞋)?
    2. 你的身高(不穿鞋)是多少英尺和英寸??
    3. What is your sexual orientation?
      1. Straight
      2. Lesbian or gay
      3. Queer
      4. Bisexual
      5. Something else
      6. Don’t know
    4. Which of the following best 描述你目前的婚姻状况?
      1. Married
      2. A member of an unmarried couple
      3. Divorced or separated
      4. Widowed
      5. Never married
    5. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
      1. Less than 12th grade, no diploma
      2. High school diploma or GED
      3. Some college, no degree
      4. Associate’s degree (e.g., AA, AS)
      5. Bachelor’s degree (g., BA, AB, BS)
      6. Graduate or professional degree
    6. What is your current employment status? (Mark all that apply.)
      1. Employed full-time for wages
      2. Employed part-time for wages
      3. Self-employed
      4. Military
      5. Full-time homemaker
      6. Retired
      7. Full-time or part-time student
      8. Disabled or unable to work
      9. Laid off or unemployed
    1. a. 如果你现在有工作,你在哪里工作?
      1. At a workplace outside of the home
      2. Work at home
      3. A mix of both at home and away
    2. What was your household’s total income before taxes in 2021? 包括所有来源的收入,比如工作, social security, public assistance, and retirement for yourself and all other persons living in your household.  If you are a college student 依靠父母的经济支持,估计一下你的家庭收入.
      1. $13,000 or less
      2. $13,001 to $22,000
      3. $22,001 to $25,000
      4. $25,001 to $32,000
      5. $32,001 to $34,000
      6. $34,001 to $43,000
      7. $43,001 to $52,000
      8. $52,001 to $60,000
      9. $60,001 to $70,000
      10. $70,001 to $88,000
      11. $88,001 to $125,000
      12. $125,001 or more
    1. a. How many people, including you在2021年由这笔收入支持?
    2. 你的家庭收入变化了多少 because of the pandemic? Circle a number on the scale.
      1. 1 – Income has decreased a lot
      2. 2
      3. 3
      4. 4 – Income has not changed
      5. 5
      6. 6
      7. 7 – Income has increased a lot
    3. How much do you have in emergency savings – money that is readily available in a checking, savings or money market account?
      1. No emergency savings
      2. Less than 3 months’ expenses
      3. 3 to 5 months’ expenses
      4. 6 or more months’ expenses
      5. Don’t know
    4. In the past 12 months, have you been contacted by a collection agency about owing money for medical bills? 这可能包括任何家庭成员的医药费.
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    5. How worried are you that:
      1. 你将负担不起你需要的医疗费用?
        1. Very worried
        2. Somewhat worried
        3. Not too worried
        4. Not worried at all
      2. Health insurance will become so expensive that you can’t afford it?
        1. Very worried
        2. Somewhat worried
        3. Not too worried
        4. Not worried at all
    6. During the past 2 years, 你是否曾经需要以下每一项, 但你没买,因为你买不起?
      1. Seeing a doctor or specialist
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      2. Dental care
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      3. Mental health care or counseling
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      4. A hearing test or hearing aid
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      5. Prescription medication
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
    7. How often in the past 12 months were you worried or stressed about:
      1. 有足够的钱买营养餐?
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
      2. Paying your rent or mortgage?
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
    8. In the past 12 months, did you or any member of your household need and/or use any of the community services listed below?
      1. Mental health services such as counseling or treatment for adults
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      2. Alcohol/substance use addiction counseling or treatment, including medications
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      3. 牙科/口腔保健服务收费低廉或免费
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      4. Work-related or employment services (training or help finding work)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      5. 财政援助(失业,科罗拉多州. Works/TANF, SSI/SSDI)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      6. Food or meal assistance (Food Bank, SNAP, Food Stamps, WIC)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      7. Child care/daycare financial assistance (including CCCAP)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      8. Housing services (assistance with utilities, rent, or mortgage)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      9. 交通援助(凭单、报销)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      10. Assistance understanding health insurance options and signing up
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
    9. Do you own or rent your resident?
      1. Own
      2. Rent
      3. Other arrangement (please specify)
    10. 你搬过几次家 past 12 months? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    11. In the past 3 months, has there been a time when you’ve been unable to pay all or part of your rent or mortgage?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Does not apply
    12. If you had to move out of your current home permanently, where would you go?
      1. 我会搬去和家人或朋友住.
      2. 我会再找一个房子租或者买.
      3. I would go to a local shelter.
      4. I would not have anywhere to go.
      5. Other (please specify)
    13. In the past 12 months你在拉里默县找过托儿服务吗?
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 64)
    1. a. How much difficulty did you have finding the type of child care or early childhood program you wanted for your child?
      1. No difficulty (go to question 64)
      2. A little or some difficulty
      3. A lot of difficulty
      4. 没有找到我想要的托儿项目
    1. b. What was the primary reason for the difficulty finding care?
      1. Cost
      2. Quality
      3. 缺少新生入学名额
      4. Other (please specify)
    2. Before the pandemic, 你是否为配偶提供无偿照顾, parent, child, other relative, partner, or friend to help them take care of themselves because of a chronic illness or disability? 这可能包括个人需求方面的帮助, household chores, medical and nursing tasks, managing finances, or arranging for outside services. 这个人不需要和你住在一起.
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Are you currently providing unpaid care to a spouse, parent, child, other relative, partner, or friend to help them take care of themselves because of a chronic illness or disability?
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 66)
    1. Rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding your role as a caregiver:
      1. 因为我的角色,我没有足够的时间留给自己.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
      2. I feel that my social life has suffered because of my role.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
      3. 我觉得我的健康因为我的角色而受到影响.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
    2. Have you completed an advance health care directive for yourself, such as a Living Will or a Medical Durable Power of Attorney? Advance care plans are official documents (also called advance directives) that describe your wishes for medical treatment if you are ever too ill or injured to speak for yourself.
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    3. How much of a problem are the following issues in the city, town, or rural area where you live?
      1. Polluted outdoor air (vehicle emissions, brown cloud, dust, etc.)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      2. 室内空气不洁净(霉菌、氡等).)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      3. Pollution from industry (manufacturing, oil and gas drilling, et)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      4. Too many mosquitoes
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      5. Changing climate conditions
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      6. Wildfires (loss of lives, property or other resources; smoky air)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      7. Floods (loss of lives and property; pollution from storm water)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
    4. How concerned are you that the following emergencies or disasters will affect you or your household in the future?
      1. Wildfire
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      2. Flood
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      3. Tornado
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      4. Extreme heat event
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      5. Hazardous material release
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      6. Terrorism
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      7. Other (please describe)
    5. 如果你的家人不得不突然撤离你的家, due to a disaster or emergency, 你的家人最初会去哪里? (Mark all that apply.)
      1. Stay with family or friends
      2. Hotel or motel
      3. Would not evacuate
      4. 紧急疏散社区避难所
      5. Vehicle/RV
      6. Other (please specify)
    6. What steps have you taken to prepare for the types of emergencies or disasters that might occur in the community?
      1. Prepared a household emergency plan.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      2. Signed up for LETA, Larimer County’s emergency information and alert system.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      3. Stocked up on food, water, and medications to last at least 3 days without any assistance.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      4. 给你的房子和财产拍照片或录像.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      5. Stored copies of key documents (g., marriage certificate, mortgage, insurance papers) in a secure location.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      6. Other (please describe)
    7. What is your level of agreement with the following statements about the city, town, or rural area where you live?
      1. It is easy to walk in my community.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree not disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      2. It is easy to bike in my community.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      3. It is easy to ride public transit in my community (i.e., public bus).
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      4. It is possible for me to get to many places I need to go by walking.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      5. It is possible for me to get to many places I need to go by biking.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6.  Don’t know
      6. It is possible for me to get to many places I need to go by public transit.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
    8. How often do you do the following when driving a vehicle?
      1. Make or receive phone calls
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
      2. Read or send text messages
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
      3. Use hands-free phone technology
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
    9. 你赞成还是反对以下政策:
      1. Add extra taxes to soda pop and other sugar-sweetened beverages?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      2. 驾驶时限制使用手提电话?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      3. Require school districts to limit or restrict unhealthy food options for students during the school day?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      4. Prohibit smoking and vaping in outdoor public areas such as parks, recreation areas, playgrounds, or trails?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      5. 禁止销售调味(包括薄荷醇), mint, 或水果)烟草制品和电子烟汁口味?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
    10. What do you feel are the greatest local concerns or issues impacting the health of the people of Larimer County? While we will keep your responses confidential, we ask that you not provide personal identifying information, such as your name.